Sunday, May 17, 2015

Annnnd Life Changes Again

So remember how I was just saying that I feel I handle each transition in the boys' life with ease? I forgot about the toddler bed transition that we were soon to go through. Of course, not realizing it would be the day after I posted about the potty training attempt...

So as I sit here thinking "okay, it only took two times of me going in there, rubbing their backs and telling them these were the same beds they always slept in", I hear CJ just losing it. 

Hubby's turn. He seems to have calmed them both down. 

I'm planning for a long night...even if they do really well, I'm assuming I won't. What if they fall out of the bed? What if they wake up and get out of the room and are scared in the dark? What if they can't find my room in the dark? What if I don't hear them wake up? I have to remind myself that I'm not the first mother to put her babies in toddler beds and I'm not the first mother with these concerns.

Surprisingly this is another phase in life kids and parents do survive! Gasp! It's not always easy, but this is parenting. This is how you teach your children to be brave in a situation they aren't comfortable in. We had to move the beds to block the floor lamp so that the boys wouldn't mess with it during the night, so that adjustment was different too...poor guys! 

Anyways, wish us luck! I keep hearing them come out of the room and my hubby telling them to go back to sleep. I'm enjoying my glass of wine before the late night craziness ensues! 

And PS...we are sooooooo not those pintrest twin parents who have it all matching. I wish we could, I do, but the reality is, twins on a single income are expensive so we did what we could with cribs and bedding 😉 

Until next time friends 😘

Sunday, May 3, 2015

There's No Turning Back: Day One of Potty Training Twins

I feel like I have truly handled each phase in the boys' life with ease. I've been intimidated...don't get me wrong, but as each phase has come and I've handled it; birth, NICU, teaching my preemie twins how to nurse and continuing that for a year, walking, naps changing from three to two to one (and back to two in our case) and everything in between...but potty training? TWINS? I am soooo intimidated. However, the boys were showing me signs of being ready a few months ago. Both would tell me when they had to go, or had just gone, they both really liked "using" the potty and we even had a few successful potties on the toilet. At that time, I wasn't ready. We had weekend after weekend of stuff, and I just knew adding potty training to that craziness would be difficult.

Flash forward to now, I decided it's time. They are talking more now and understand more. I went to Target and as we were walking down the boy undies section, CJ saw "Dust Dust" (Dusty Crop Hopper, of course!) briefs. So we got those. I bought two packages, one had 5 pairs and one had 6...plenty for potty training twins, right? Ummm, no.

I'll break this down hour by hour, and honestly my failure was probably starting them in the afternoon...

2pm: Put on briefs and tell them all about using the potty
2:01pm: CJ literally pees the moment I turn around to put HB's briefs on. I think to myself "oh this will be fun"
3:45pm: I AM OVER THIS! I've set my alarm for every 15 minutes to take them to the potty. No luck. But we HAVE had success with 3 accidents. Oh joy!
4:33pm: I am out of clean least ones that I can find immediately. I will revisit this at a later date...
HB peed on the couch but I didn't know because I was in the other room. I had just told them "remember we use the potty when we need to go peepee. Okay?" "Okay" from both boys.

HB walks up to me with his briefs around his ankles and says "wet"

Me: "oy!"

As I am cleaning up HB and reminding him that we go pee pee in the toilet, I hear "psssssssspssss" "noooooo stop CJ you're supposed to go in the potty honey" as he is using my carpet as a potty pad. They literally are on the same pee schedule too? I mean that's great but makes this process all the more difficult because I don't have one kid I need to get on the potty but two.

I put them both on the toilet (one on the kid's and one the the big toilet) and say, again "we go pee pee on the toilet boys". I go to the kitchen and grab our Woolite Carpet cleaner, get them back off the toilets, put diapers on them and start cleaning the floor. As I am finishing up the floor, just as I am about to spray the couch I look again at the bottle I'm using and see this.

Yeah, that's not Woolite, and I am pretty sure it won't clean my carpet and couch the way I want it to...I just laugh and say "of course, why wouldn't I grab the wrong thing?" I put the GRANITE cleaner away, grab the actual Woolite and go back to my cleaning, but this time I have two helpers. I use the term helpers very, very lightly. There's crying involved (not me surprisingly) because I just want to clean the damn carpet and couch but these two want their towels wet like mine, and they want me to spray their towels, and whatever else was happening the the world of my two, two year olds. Life. Is. Rough....when your two, goodness!

As a side note: CJ and HB are amazing helpers! They love to vaccuum, dust and help with the laundry. I do love their help and encourage it :)

My fear is I missed my window of opportunity with them. Can that happen? It's like now they have no interest when before they were all over it. I know, I am the parent and I need to teach them, but a big thing you always hear is to wait for their ques...

Lessons learned:
  • I need more undies for them, like a lot more
  • The boys are on virtually the same pee schedule
  • Don't give them a cookie for just sitting on the toilet (yeah, made that mistake, I thought if I showed them sitting on the toilet was a positive they would be more apt to do it...nope. They started running back to the bathroom saying "coocoo" (cookie), no boys, that is not how this works.)
I went to my IG asking for advice, this is what I got from experienced and successful potty training mommas:
  • Don't do pullups, too confusing for the littles
  •  More undies
  • Put on the undies and never look back, no more diapers (except maybe for bed)
  • Be patient and listen to your kids ques
  • Patience, patience, patience (oh wait did I already mention that?)
  • M&Ms work good for bribery
Needless to say I need to take another go at it. CJ was really upset anytime he got wet, it made me laugh. His little noises because he was "aaahhhlllwet". He might get this before his brother, since HB seems to not mind being wet. I feel like this week isn't the best because we have doctors appointments along with other things, but that's life right? We are busy.

Stay tuned for more! I plan on writing blogs for each day, so that others can learn or just laugh at my experience!

