Hi friends, what a whirlwind of a past weekend/week it has been. My husband was hurt in a dirt bike crash over the weekend while we were in Bakersfield visiting some great friends of ours. He is okay, thank God, and we know just how easily it could have been a different outcome. Accidents happen and that is exactly what this was. He wasn't riding over his head, he wasn't being reckless, it was an accident and we are so thankful that it was only his wrist that was broken.
I am pretty sure if any of you reading have a love one who participates in an extreme sport you know there are only a couple phone calls you can expect to get and at what time. There is the "we are done and heading back safe" call and there is the "I'm hurt" call. I'm still coming off of the adrenaline and worries of this weekend. A helicopter, ambulance ride, 5 hour stint in the ER, one wrist reset, a two hour surgery and two night hospital stay later, we finally got to head home.
From the second I got the call I was getting support. My girlfriend and I had been at the zoo with our littles when the call came. As I started freaking out because I didn't know if he was injured worse or where exactly he was, she just kept saying "breath, stay calm, it will be okay" and immediately started making phone calls of her own to her dad and uncle who dropped whatever it was they were doing to do their best to get to my husband. Her husband, who was with my husband, handled it so well, made all the right phone calls and made sure that my husband got to where he needed to safely.
The whole day felt like slow motion. I wasn't home, and my normal call to my mom to help didn't feel like an option. I knew that I didn't want to bring the boys to the hospital with all of the unknowns. So on top of her two kids my friend watched my twins as I drove to the mouth of the canyon to hopefully catch the ambulance my husband was on. While I was away from the boys, my friend fed them, put them down for a nap and loved on them when I couldn't. They didn't understand completely why daddy wasn't back and why I had to leave so fast. My mom did end up driving out to Bakersfield from Temecula to get the boys since we had a couple days ahead of us in the hospital, and I was so thankful but also felt guilty she drove all that way.
I started making phone calls to my brother in law knowing he would be a voice of reason in my other wise worried state. I let him make further phone calls to my father in law. I felt like there were so many unknowns and I was in a fog. Until I got to my hubby I just didn't know the extent. Thank God, it was
just his wrist. However, it was a compound fracture, and it required surgery that went for 2 hours. We know this could be a completely different story and that's why we say it's
just his wrist, although it affects us more than it sounds like it should.
All that to say this, let people help you. I struggle with this. When I found out I was having twins I knew I would need help, but I didn't want to admit it. I felt like because they were given to me, they were mine and my husbands sole responsibility and although that is true in day to day circumstances, there is a reason that saying "it takes a village to raise a child" exists. We need to help each other out, and we need to accept help. No matter if it's a prayer you can't hear but you know someone is saying, it's an "I love you" when you are struggling, or it's a friend watching your babies while you're with your husband in the ER, accept it. It's hard, but it's letting go of what you can't control and letting others lift you up.
We were also so blessed by another sweet, selfless friend who took tim out of her busy mommy/ wife filled day, to make a meal and shop for my family. Can I do these things myself while my husband is home recovering? Yes. But what she gave me was an evening off and a few things to cross of my grocery list. She gave me a few hours to rest my worried head and heart about what the next few weeks will bring. There are no words to explain how loved that made us feel. It can be hard to accept but when you have people around you who want to help and have the heart to, let them.
Thanks again to everyone who prayed, sent messages, loved on us, called and checked in on us during this time. Through it all, my husband kept his sense of humor and kept me laughing, he is strong and brave and I am so thankful he is okay.