Forgive me, friends for being MIA. I've been in a funk and had some major writers block. I find myself perpetually exhausted, but what momma isn't? The boys keep me on my toes constantly. One day they are best friends and the next I am playing referee all day.
The boys are 3 years old and five months. The first four months of them being three was awesome. They can really talk to me, we can have conversations and their imaginations are incredible! These things all lead me to believe I was over the hard stuff, but do you know what else comes with all of these fun changes? The voice to really talk back, the mentality of "no, I'm not your robot" and for some reason the noise decibels have gone up in my house. I love these little boys of mine like crazy, but my goodness, three years old is hard.
I had heard of the dreaded threenager years, and had been told that threes were worse than twos. It's not so much that threes are worse, they are just challenging on a different level. For the reason that I have twins who have completely different personalities, I feel like I am constantly trying to stay ahead of the next melt down, shenanigan or whatever might take place in the day of a three year old. At the end of the day, I'm flustered, not because my boys were misbehaved (at least not most of the time, ha) but because they have their own agendas and I DON'T LIKE IT.
Then again I don't want them to be little robots (although when they are running around my legs at the store, how nice would that be?), I want them to speak up (when necessary), be kind and polite without prompting, and I want them to have the ability to make their own decisions. Yes, I know they are three and they still need to follow my rules, no one knows this or enforces this as much as I do, but I want them to be outgoing and comfortable in the world. I just pray that what my husband I have taught them thus far sticks and they continue to grow into amazing young men.
In the meantime, I'll keep pushing through these threes and continue to teach my little crazies to be respectful little boys even if they don't care for me at times, because I love them more than they know and I was given the most important job when God chose my to be their mommy.