Thursday, October 26, 2017

You Got This

Yesterday we went to Bates Nut Farm with the boys' Pre-K class. It was HOT! But a fun day and I feel so blessed to stay home with these little guys.

I was introduced to another twin momma who was with her 3 year olds. Watching her I remember those days so well. My boys are only a year older, but I'm telling you, a year in twin life is a world of difference!

Last year, I remember I still felt like it wasn't safe for me to go out alone with the boys on big adventures. Safe because they run in different directions, want to do different things, have different needs and there are two of them and one of me! This momma was in that spot. She had someone with her, but I could still see the frazzled look on her face. Even if you have someone with you, there is still worry. Is the twin that walked away with my mom, sister, sis in law etc., okay? What are they doing? Are they safe? Did they get away from said helper?? For me it always came down to safety, and honestly, whoever I was with was always quick to redirect the wandering twin back towards where ever I was. Even with help I was still frazzled, because at the end of the day, you're momma. You have the food, the comfort and they just want you. It's a blessing, but man is it hard!

All this to say, I promise it gets easier. I walked up to that sweet momma at the end of the field trip and told her "it does get easier". The relief and eagerness on her face was evident "when?". I just said how much a difference a year makes and that most things get easier while others are still a challenge.

As mommas we all have these moments. Moms with kiddos close in age have similar situations, fears and worries. However, when I look at a twin momma I feel it and when they are told I'm a twin momma, there is this connection of "you know exactly what I'm going trough". 

Read this and know, you are equipped to raise multiples. You are a fantastic mom to your babies and no one could do it better than you. These stages are temporary and as much as you want to be out of them, you will miss them. You were hand picked by God to raise these sweet beings and He does not make mistakes. I think that last one has carried me through when times are most difficult. I truly believe that God choose us to raise our babies, and what an honor it is.

So keep going, keep smiling through that frazzled feeling. You got this!

Run little guys, run!

My uber talented friend Casey Torres Photography took these this past weekend. Check her work out!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Bobs Red Mill- Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

When our son was diagnosed with gluten, diary and egg allergies, I felt defeated. Changing his whole diet seemed daunting. I decided early on that he would not be the only one to make the change and I would incorporate a gluten free lifestyle for him, his brother and ourselves (on occasion). Luckily, there are a lot of gluten free options out there and is allergy is considered moderate. He does not have anaphylaxis or anything like that. However, if he indulges too much in an allergen he will usually get a facial rash and I can tell in his temperament.

I've been told he can grow out of these allergies, but I keep a close eye on it. I don't want it to turn into anything severe of course.

Bob's Red Mill has been a go to brand for most of my gluten free purchases. I've tried others, but their mixes result in the softest and tastiest foods. The other day, we tried Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix and it did not disappoint.

Letting them be kids and have some batter. 


This was a good moment for them to work on coordination. 

I totally forgot to snap a picture of the finished cookies. Needless to say, they were sooo yummy! If you're looking for some good GF options, I suggest Bob's Red Mill! 

Thanks all for taking the time to read! Happy baking!

*This is not a sponsored post, although, how fun would that be?*

Monday, July 3, 2017

Kindness Matters

Four is an awesome age. The conversations you can now have with your littles, the questions you are asked, the sweet out of no where "mommy, you're so beautiful, you look like an angel" comments. Four is rad. There is still that threenager that peeks out every now and again, and those moments are tough. Make that times two. 

Lately grocery shopping feels like Nicole's Three Ring Circus. Step right up to see Crazy Red and her not trained so well, wild animals. 

If you know me, you know I am kind of a no nonsense mom. I have to remind myself that they are 4 not 14. I don't know if this is because there are two of them or if that's just how I would have been regardless. What I do know is, things escalate quickly between them. Their energy is electric.

So fast forward a few weeks ago shopping. Both were out of the cart walking, or should I say pulling on my cart in different directions, sliding on the ground, picking up random things, blowing faces on the glass at the meat counter (gross I know and I am pretty sure the whole store knew how I felt about it). I paint this picture not to show that my kids are naughty because the reality is they aren't or my lack of control. They are acting their age. However,  as my blood pressure is rising so the frustration of every little thing they do. I finally pull the "okay, now you're not getting the balloon mommy said you could have for acting the right way in the store". Probably 15 minutes before this I told them if they behaved they could have these balloons they always beg me for. 

I could have handled it at a better time so I didn't have to hear the crying that ensued for the rest of my, what was supposed to be 10 more minute shopping trip. I could have avoided the stares, even comments "I would have given in", the sympathy my sad little boy was getting. What people didn't know was I was following through. He had to have a consequence for his actions, and this did not go without warnings, he had plenty of chances. Needless to say that trip was a disaster, I left the store feeling judged, frustrated and sad (who wants to hurt their kids feelings? He was so hurt that I took away his chance for a balloon.) After that I told myself I WOULD NEVER shop with them again. Ha!

Present day and I need to shop. So I came up with the plan to have one in the cart and one walking. We would switch half way through the store. What a genius idea, it worked! 

I was almost at the end of my trip when we had an avocado dispute. Both wanted to put avos in the bag and the kiddo that was in the cart didn't like that I suggested his brother bag them and then he could put them in the cart.  A little attitude emerged and he crossed his arms....I can't stand this.  I maintain myself but said "it's not okay to cross your arms, it's rude and doesn't look like your a nice little boy" and let him continue on his little tude sesh while I walked around a little more. 

This older couple walked by and I smiled at them as they walked passed still in my own world about how stressed I was. A few seconds passed and the lady walked up to me. I smiled and said "hi" and she said "I just want to tell you, what you're doing with him is right." And went on to tell me she was happy to hear my correcting his behavior and telling him that it wasn't polite and how important it is in this day and age. I teared up and honestly it took a lot for me to not full on cry because I needed those words so badly. Her words were so kind and so full of love. She told me that God would guide me through and I asked if I could hug her. Her words changed my morning, my day, my moments of doubt. 

How many moments do we spend doubting ourselves as parents? How many times do people not understand our motives for how we parent? It is so dang easy to be mean in this day and age, it is so, so easy to judge. 

I encourage you to speak up when you see someone doing something awesome. Or if if you see a mom struggling with her three ring circus at the store, tell her she is doing great! You will change her world. 

The lady came back and gave the boys each a dollar which they bought a balloon with. In the car ride CJ said "that lady was like an angel" again que the tears, God sent her to me at the right time. 

Because of her I was able to see that what I am teaching the boys is not frivolous, it is important because it is important to me and that I might just being doing alright after all in the mom department. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summa Summa Summa Time

I love this time of year. I love dry heat, beach days and time in the pool with the family. Summer means less running around, sleeping in (or so I hear, my kids don't do that yet), and hot nights.  In this post I am just sharing a couple little things that have made my beach going, pool swimming, sun bathing that much more enjoyable.

This sunscreen is great!  I actually get the bigger spray one, but this smells amazing, not sticky and keeps my guys from getting burnt! I no longer use kids stuff on them and this sunscreen works perfect!

This bikini top is ah-ma-ZING! I have a hard time finding tops that are flattering, but his one is perfect. Padded but not unrealistic, thick lined, and I like how the front ties so it can be adjusted. The bottoms are adjustable as well and I would call them full coverage. It's been a struggle this year to find a suit that I am comfortable in, that is mom appropriate but also still makes me feel like my age. This cover great and the adjustable sides make a cute little detail. My hat of course is from We Build America. My favorite brand ;) Love the sparkle detail on the hat.  

shop this picture: bikini top//the bottoms are from target and I am not able to find them any longer//Hats//the sunnies are Guess prescription glasses from a couple years ago.

I got a super cute one piece from American Eagle online! I will link it in my next post so stay tuned! I hope you all have a beautiful Wednesday and that you're staying cool!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

It's been a minute

Hi friends,

Wow, it's been a while since I've been here. I don't have a good excuse except, life. I think about this space, a lot. I get carried away in the day to day, I let my second guessing nature make decisions for me...and we started a business.

With all of that said, I am hoping to be back here more often. After all, this is my little space. This is where I get to share my thoughts, be me, and have a creative outlet. I started this blog to hold myself accountable to stay in shape, and we can just say that I am struggling with that at the moment...a topic for another time. What I really want is a place I can reach other parents, a place people can read stories and say "thank goodness I am not the only one", a place I can give tips, and maybe some DIYs.

I stray from blogging because I am super protective of the boys. I never want to over expose them, I don't ever want to share something that one day they will read and either be sad, mad or upset in any way. That is probably what draws me away from blogging the most. I don't want them to ever feel like I shared THEIR lives too much, if that makes sense. Most of you reading are thinking, come on Nicole, some of you know me well and totally get my crazy, and some of you agree about your child making the social media decisions when they are old enough to say "yes I want my pictures on the internet". Ugh it's a battle, guys! And yes, I know that I am probably being extremely silly.

Now for the company! My husband and I started an apparel company called We Build America. I am loving this new venture. It's challenging on every level. I'm designer, sales, purchasing, web design, social media manager, you name it...I'm it! It's been hard to find balance. Between mom, WBA, and housewife. My house is definitely more messy, I have my days of self doubt and I wonder if taking this on is too much. The truth is, even though being a mom is my number 1 priority and the most rewarding and humbling job I've ever had, I needed another outlet. I needed to feel like I was working. God gave me that drive, and I need to run with it. I have my days that I don't work on WBA, but I focus on the house, kids etc. or the days that I'm working hard on it. When I hear the boys says "mommy makes hats and shirts", I am so happy. I love that they see me working hard at not only being a mom, but also running a business from the ground up. We have big plans. It's hard and we are just starting out but I know we have a great thing.

Thanks for catching up!