Thursday, October 26, 2017

You Got This

Yesterday we went to Bates Nut Farm with the boys' Pre-K class. It was HOT! But a fun day and I feel so blessed to stay home with these little guys.

I was introduced to another twin momma who was with her 3 year olds. Watching her I remember those days so well. My boys are only a year older, but I'm telling you, a year in twin life is a world of difference!

Last year, I remember I still felt like it wasn't safe for me to go out alone with the boys on big adventures. Safe because they run in different directions, want to do different things, have different needs and there are two of them and one of me! This momma was in that spot. She had someone with her, but I could still see the frazzled look on her face. Even if you have someone with you, there is still worry. Is the twin that walked away with my mom, sister, sis in law etc., okay? What are they doing? Are they safe? Did they get away from said helper?? For me it always came down to safety, and honestly, whoever I was with was always quick to redirect the wandering twin back towards where ever I was. Even with help I was still frazzled, because at the end of the day, you're momma. You have the food, the comfort and they just want you. It's a blessing, but man is it hard!

All this to say, I promise it gets easier. I walked up to that sweet momma at the end of the field trip and told her "it does get easier". The relief and eagerness on her face was evident "when?". I just said how much a difference a year makes and that most things get easier while others are still a challenge.

As mommas we all have these moments. Moms with kiddos close in age have similar situations, fears and worries. However, when I look at a twin momma I feel it and when they are told I'm a twin momma, there is this connection of "you know exactly what I'm going trough". 

Read this and know, you are equipped to raise multiples. You are a fantastic mom to your babies and no one could do it better than you. These stages are temporary and as much as you want to be out of them, you will miss them. You were hand picked by God to raise these sweet beings and He does not make mistakes. I think that last one has carried me through when times are most difficult. I truly believe that God choose us to raise our babies, and what an honor it is.

So keep going, keep smiling through that frazzled feeling. You got this!

Run little guys, run!

My uber talented friend Casey Torres Photography took these this past weekend. Check her work out!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Bobs Red Mill- Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

When our son was diagnosed with gluten, diary and egg allergies, I felt defeated. Changing his whole diet seemed daunting. I decided early on that he would not be the only one to make the change and I would incorporate a gluten free lifestyle for him, his brother and ourselves (on occasion). Luckily, there are a lot of gluten free options out there and is allergy is considered moderate. He does not have anaphylaxis or anything like that. However, if he indulges too much in an allergen he will usually get a facial rash and I can tell in his temperament.

I've been told he can grow out of these allergies, but I keep a close eye on it. I don't want it to turn into anything severe of course.

Bob's Red Mill has been a go to brand for most of my gluten free purchases. I've tried others, but their mixes result in the softest and tastiest foods. The other day, we tried Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix and it did not disappoint.

Letting them be kids and have some batter. 


This was a good moment for them to work on coordination. 

I totally forgot to snap a picture of the finished cookies. Needless to say, they were sooo yummy! If you're looking for some good GF options, I suggest Bob's Red Mill! 

Thanks all for taking the time to read! Happy baking!

*This is not a sponsored post, although, how fun would that be?*