Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Healthy-ish Crêpes

No sooner do I finish making my amazing lunch and sit down to eat it do my twins start to fuss...guess what mom? We are hungry too! I got all of 3 bites in, thinking of how hungry I was, I couldn't remember what the last meal I had today was...bad bad bad! It's like the boys have a radar, mom is about to eat, I think we should too! I need to be eating every 3 hours! Maybe I should take some eating tips from my boys, they seem to have all figured out. Sooo I had to stop eating, change a couple diapers, sit on the couch and get my boys fed. I'm becoming quite the pro at multitasking though, so as they were eating so was I. What's a little syrup on a baby's head? Kidding!

Okay so I know the powdered sugar and syrup is not the "clean eating" I am trying to do, but I am proud with the rest of this dish. I LOVE crepes and I LOVE this recipe that I stole from a Pintrest post. The recipe I followed can be found at this blog: Six Sisters' Stuff . I changed it sightly. Below is how I made these crepes.

2/3 cup oat flour
1/3 cup white flour
4 egg whites
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
Dash of cinnamon
Fresh Strawberries

Since I have to make the oat flour I usually just mix it all together in my food processor. All at once. Heat up a pan, spray cooking spray on it, pour the batter in the middle of the pan then move the pan around so that the batter spreads thin across the pan. Before you flip the crepe make sure the bottom side is a light brown. Cook the other side and remove. I then put fresh strawberries (or whatever filling you like) into the middle and roll it up. Repeat until the batter is gone and serve! Yummmmy! I am going to experiment with using coconut oil instead of butter next time. This will make this recipe cleaner.

I'm learning that eating clean does not mean that your meals have to be boring or bland. There are so many yummy healthy foods out there.

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