Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Self Respect: Exercise

Oh exercise how I miss you! I miss a good workout at the gym, really feeling the burn after a workout. Part of my journey to being healthier is to improve my exercise habits. At the moment I consider getting out of the house to go on a walk an accomplishment. Even if it's a walk, it's better than sitting on the couch. Can I be honest though? I know how pathetic this sounds too, I'm embarrassed...but I'm not comfortable going on walks alone. I'm scared. Not of people but of dogs...I totally give you permission to laugh! I know how incredibly irrational this sounds. However if you knew me, you would know what a fearful person I am and although these fears might be silly to everyone else, they are very real to me. I struggle with anxiety, so it is hard for me to go outside of my comfort zone sometimes.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you" - Eleanore Roosevelt

After writing the first part of this post last night, I was thinking about what else to say...was I going to say that I let me fear stop me yet again from going out and doing something I love? Or was I going to be able to say that I faced my fear today? Well I can say I faced my fear.

And it felt good! I loaded the boys up into their stroller and we went on a really nice walk. Now that they are bigger they can sit in their stroller seats and not the car seats, which makes it much easier. 

I feel very restricted most days. I stay in the house with the boys day in and day out (I refuse to put them in the child care at the gym, they are still too little). Not only in the aspect of working out but because I do breast feed I have to plan my time out according to their feeding schedule. It makes it hard to leave the house some days. 

Today though we had a very busy day with doctors appointments and errands to run. I'm telling you I get my workout in unloading and reloading those two into our truck! After being out all day I was exhausted. I was able to take a nice nap this afternoon and then got a second wind. I thought to myself...let's be brave. So I was, and I am damn proud of myself. I LOVE going on walks but I always walk with someone. Today I walked with my boys, it was so nice...and guess what? I didn't get attacked! 

I faced a fear, as silly of a fear as it is, and I feel great! I came home and celebrated with a yummy banana, peanut butter, protein shake. 

The important thing is to get moving. Whether it is a hard core gym sesh or an evening walk with friends. Just move, it's better than being stationary. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said mama red...glad you and the boys had a nice walk!!! Wish we lived a little closer ....me and the kiddos could join you sometime.
