Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pick something, and be good at it

When I was a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian.
When I was in middle school and high school, I wanted to be a teacher.
When I was in college (starting off), I wanted to be in real estate.
When I was still in college, I wanted to be a business owner.
When I got my Bachelors in Business, I wanted to one day own and run my parent's construction company.
Right before the babies came, I had my heart set on becoming a Speech Pathologist.

Since I've had the babies, I've had all of these wonderful ideas of what I am going to do....
Make burlap art and sell it.
Make money, blogging.
Change lives selling Herbalife (which I am still pursuing).
Become a nutritionist.
Get into Real Estate.

I guess looking back the main trend is that I want to help someone or something. My heart is for helping others. It always has been. I was so excited to start school for Speech Pathology. I knew I finally found my thing, what I was meant to do. However, the classes were in Orange County, and as my pregnancy went on, the long trek late at night was becoming too dangerous for me. I was exhausted and working full time. I just knew it was better for me mentally to take a step back from school. 

Please don't take this post wrong... I LOVE being home with my babies. I would be broken if I had to leave them. Being a working mom just isn't for me, and I am blessed that I get to stay home with my littles...however it doesn't come without some major emotional challenges.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and something I have realized about myself is that ever since I was 16 I have worked and gone to school. Besides one time in my life, right before our wedding, I have always done both. I have cursed it and be "so stressed I can't do it anymore" (in a desperate voice), but deep down I always loved the challenge. I love learning, and knowing that I can apply what I learn. So this is new to me. I feel like I am not using my brain enough, but, I am learning that is not the case.

Before I go off on a tangent (which is where the next paragraphs went until I deleted them, ha!), what I really want this post to be about is how to accept where you are in life. Sixteen months down the road from giving birth, you would think that I would already have this figured out, but I don't or I hadn't, until recently.

I truly believe that God calls on people to do certain things in their lives. Some people have amazing art talents, some people are great at spreading His word, some are great at saving people (medically speaking). I have been trying to find my "thing", what God has called me to do. Well, hello Nicole, I was blessed with two beautiful miracles. THAT is what my calling is, to be a stay at home momma to my boys. Maybe when they go to school, I can focus on something else, maybe not. I just need to be present and not so hooked on the future. It is great to have determination and drive and a dream, but don't get so caught up in it that you forget to live in the now.

That is something I am really working on. Living in the now, being present with my boys. Anything else is just a distraction, for me. Not everyone feels that way, and that is wonderful, but for me I just need to focus on my babes. I also need to accept that because I am stay at home mom doesn't mean that I will never have a career.

Lately, I have been so anxious, feeling that I need to take classes, I need to do this or that. "But what should I do? What is my calling?" Then I started thinking what if I just pick something I am interested in, and be good at it. Beyond being a momma, if I want to do something for extra money, or extra brain stimulation it doesn't have to be extraordinary, I am already doing something extraordinary, it can be anything that interests me. I just need to make sure I am good at it (because I am a perfectionist).

My title, just pick something and be good at it, means that sometimes we don't clearly see our calling in life. That's okay. If you can find something in life that drives you and makes you happy, put your heart into it. Maybe, just maybe that is where God wants you to be <3

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