Monday, March 16, 2015


So if you follow my personal IG or even my _fittobetwinned_ IG, you know that I have two herniated discs in my lower back. One is worse than the other, but both write ups say that the herniations are pushing on my nerve roots. This explains the weakness and pain I had/ have in my lower back and legs. Needless to say, the last few weeks have been tough. 

A mix of heavy muscle relaxers, my anxiety and a bad mood made the last three weeks feel like I lived in a prison in my body....does that make sense? I've had so much help and I am so grateful. I have my moments of "poor me" because, yeah it does stink having pain daily, pain that I've been in and out of the last three weeks, but there are people who live with pain chronically. How selfish of me.

There are people who don't know when or if their pain will improve. I know mine will, with Physical Therapy, strength and because I am young I should bounce back easily.  Although I know those things, sometimes the pain is annoying and I'm tired of dealing with it, that's when I started Pinterest searching "dealing with pain", which is when I found HOPE.

Hold On Pain Ends

It does, in one form or another. This life is so temporary. The decisions that I bare such weight in, those are temporary. Do you know what is forever though? 

Heaven. That is for eternity. So if I'm meant to suffer, even temporarily here, I know that even though it feels like forever, it's not, because I believe in something more. And by no means is my pain I've experineced the last three weeks even something to compare to what others go through. Yes, for me it was hard and is still hard, because I want to be me again, but it's different from what the person next to me might be suffering...

Pain isn't only physical. It's emotional too. I myself have been tormented by anxiety and OCD, I've wished I was "normal" (a different post on that later). My point is, we can and will get through these pains in our lives. Use it to build you, not break you. I know, easier said than done. 

If I've learned anything from this injury though; it is to stop living my life with so many restrictions, within reason. I want to enjoy things when I can, experience amazing things with my husband and children and stop letting fear rule my decisions, because in the end...I don't even have control. I like to think I do, but the truth is I don't. 

So my friends, have hope. Whatever it is your enduring push through and you will make it to the other side, stronger and wiser than you were before.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Where I've Been

The best explanation? 


Last year I was doing so well with my healthy lifestyle. Making healthy choices, walking daily, lifting twice a week and consuming more water. Then...July hit. Vegas, my 30th birthday, a river trip, so on and so forth. Before I knew it the holidays were here and staying on track, or getting back on track, proved to be extremely difficult for me. I gained my weight back and lost my energy. 

Oh and did I mention in November I hurt my hasn't been the same since. I have to be extremely careful with my workouts. Even walking. It is so frustrating! I re injured it this week and have been out of commission since Tuesday. Thank God for my mom. She has helped me so much. I can't walk in the mornings, let alone try to pick up my 30 pound twins. 

As I deal with this it is in the back of my mind that I am still trying to get my food back on track and into a routine with exercise. 

It. Is. Hard. 

The boys have been transitioning to one nap a day so that's thrown me off and by the end of the day I'm just so drained it take everything in me to get a lift in. I know that I'm not the only one with this struggle, and I know other people make it work, I know I can too. It's in me, I just need to hunker down and do it. 

So yes, those are my reasons I've been gone. I haven't blogged as much as I would like, and I haven't posted to my fitness Instagram in who knows how's time to get back on track. 

This quote below means a lot to me. I love to feel if my back would heal up maybe I could at least get back to lifting!