The best explanation?
Last year I was doing so well with my healthy lifestyle. Making healthy choices, walking daily, lifting twice a week and consuming more water. Then...July hit. Vegas, my 30th birthday, a river trip, so on and so forth. Before I knew it the holidays were here and staying on track, or getting back on track, proved to be extremely difficult for me. I gained my weight back and lost my energy.
Oh and did I mention in November I hurt my hasn't been the same since. I have to be extremely careful with my workouts. Even walking. It is so frustrating! I re injured it this week and have been out of commission since Tuesday. Thank God for my mom. She has helped me so much. I can't walk in the mornings, let alone try to pick up my 30 pound twins.
As I deal with this it is in the back of my mind that I am still trying to get my food back on track and into a routine with exercise.
It. Is. Hard.
The boys have been transitioning to one nap a day so that's thrown me off and by the end of the day I'm just so drained it take everything in me to get a lift in. I know that I'm not the only one with this struggle, and I know other people make it work, I know I can too. It's in me, I just need to hunker down and do it.
So yes, those are my reasons I've been gone. I haven't blogged as much as I would like, and I haven't posted to my fitness Instagram in who knows how's time to get back on track.
This quote below means a lot to me. I love to feel if my back would heal up maybe I could at least get back to lifting!
Love you Nicole! xoxoox