Thursday, March 31, 2016

To the moms who feel defeated

It's late at night, you finally have a chance to close your eyes after a long day, but instead of sleeping all you can hear are the amount of times you reprimanded your kids, yelled, or said no.

No, don't jump on the couch
No, we aren't going to go outside right now
No, don't hit your brother
No, don't spit
No, don't hit me
No, don't color on the wall
No, no, no, no

You feel defeated. Today was hard. You gave yourself to your babies ten times over and still want to give more, to your husband, to yourself, and then again to your babies in the middle of the night.

The thoughts are endless. What could I have done differently today?
Corrected less? Maybe, if I didn't helicopter parent, I would be less stressed? Maybe if I wasn't so strict? What if I let them do what they want? For me, all of these questions have the same answer,  I am teaching them. These things are important to me, and that is okay if they are not the same importance to another parent, but as a parent you have certain things that you hone in on.

We all have our reasons for the no's we say, for the things we do, for the manners we teach. I'm writing this to say you are not alone in this struggle mommas.

This is hard. This is exhausting. You are giving all of you to these sweet little beings that God choose for you. This is hard...

Don't beat yourself up for these extra tough days, we all have them. There are days that you feel you've found your groove and then the days you struggle all. day. long.

The most important thing to remember is that in those hard days, you are never alone. You are a good mom. You are doing the best you can. You are human! We live in a day and age that the expectations are high, or feel high because of what social media portrays. That makes an already difficult job, that much harder.

So please, don't beat yourself up over those tough days. The days all you can hear in your head at night is the negative, because your babies love you. They love you so much, and what they really need is a parent who loves them back, who takes the time to teach what is important, how to be kind and have values.

You are doing an awesome job. Don't stop teaching what is important to you. Wake up tomorrow refreshed, give extra big hugs and know this season will not last forever, but loving your babies will.

You've got this.


  1. I can't say I can relate because I don't have kiddos but I hear and see this all the time! I'm an observer, what can I say? We can't be everything to everyone all the time! It's impossible. So best to take each day in stride. Love you! So happy I get to read your posts regularly now.

    1. It's probably good that you read these mommy blogs too, for preparation! Haha! Motherhood is amazing, but also so very challenging!
