Tuesday, February 20, 2018

When you live in a backwards world

News of yet another mass school shooting lit up our TV screens, our social media accounts and broke our hearts into a million pieces. It started yet another anti gun debate, sparked more hatred in people's hearts and instead of clinging on to one another lead people to split lines.

When will this stop?
When will we stop hating eachother?
When will we stop pointing fingers?

When will we start loving eachother?

Isn't that where the issue is? I see more hate in our schools that I ever did growing up, and my boys aren't even in school yet. The bullying that is taking place is just...I have no words for how cruel these kids are.

The issue we are facing is we are raising kids in a day and age where there is instant satisfaction and no consequences. Children are not having to work for anything. Why are having chores something you rarely hear about anymore?  There are no consequences for poor actions. Parents make excuses for their children. Parents are taking a step back and letting the world raise their children. Parents LET their children run the show "oh, you don't like that little Johnny, okay we won't do it then". I am sorry people, disappointment is part of life. Do I like to disappoint my kids? Of course, not. But I am also not going to let them tell me what to do either. Obviously certain situations, of course I listen to my child's concerns, but I think you all get where I am going with this.

The sad part is, it goes so much deeper than that. These children are so desensitized to real life. The games they play promote violence. These social media accounts they are on enable bullying at a rate that is out of control. Children are watching shows and hearing conversations that are too big for them. When did we stop parenting??? When did we start saying "oh, it's just a game, it won't make a difference". Guys, it does make a difference and it IS! We are loosing our babies to things that can be controlled and can be changed.

We as parents need to be more available to our kids. We need to get our faces out of our phones, and off our computers, because we are teaching them that being disengaged is okay. We are teaching them that what everyone else is doing in their life is more important than what is happening right in front of their face.

I could go on and on, and I truly hope my point is coming across. Lately, it's sure seems like we are living in a backwards world. Change happens in the home...we have to stop sending our kids to school to have teachers raise them, and then not have the teachers back when there is a problem. We have to be available to our kids. We have to stop making excuses for them. We need to be more aware! We need to monitor what our kids are doing, seeing and saying. God gave us this amazing gift of being parents. He trusted us to raise the amazing kiddos we were given. And I will not sit by and let my kids walk in this world alone, it's scary and can be hard. I've learned lessons that I can teach them. It's my job to do so and I am honored to do so.

We need a big change, and it needs to happen in homes across America, because the hard and honest truth is that this issue is WAY bigger than guns. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner we will see a difference and the longer we continue to point fingers at each other instead of taking responsibility these terrible situations will continue to plague our daily lives.


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