Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Potty Training Twin BOYS

This is a post I've been sitting on for while. I wrote it in my phone as I was in the process of potty training the boys, but never got around to posting it. My old laptop was a pain in the behind to ever turn on and use...but get me a MacBook and I'm like a whole new lady! Woohoo!

In March of 2015 I decided it was time to potty train my freshly turned two year old twin boys. Which, if you've talked to moms of boys and girls, they will usually tell you how much harder of a time they had training their boys. They had been showing me the signs a few months prior, but I wasn't ready to take on the task...I wish I would have when they first showed me signs, because when I finally decided to tackle this mountain of a task, they were kind of over it. I choose not to do the three day method, I mean, I semi attempted that ridiculousness and quickly decided it wasn't for me or for the boys. I think it is fantastic when parents have success with that method, because it sure beats 10 months of teaching! However, I just felt that since I am a stay at home mom there was no real urgency for me, plus they were on the younger side for potty training. Here is a snippet of my attempts in the beginning, I have no idea where my day one is by the way, I'm sure I just wanted to forget it ever happened:

Day two potty traing with twins
We started in the afternoon again...our morning have been really slow...so naturally they don't get dressed until later in the day. Unless we have somewhere to be. 

12:30pm get both boys in big boys pants
12:40pm spend 5 to 10 mins in the bathroom...I'm thinking I don't have the patience for this. 
12:45pm HB is naked running around the house. Sitting on all the toys...I know this is how most families potty train it's just, ya know, doesn't sit with me right that he is putting his little nakey booty all over their toys and my couch...ha! 
1pm both boys are naked and running around the house and making monkey noises. Do I live in the jungle? 😂
1:45pm we made it to nap time! No accidents! But no pee in the toilet either. I'm pretty sure HB peed as soon as the diaper went on, but at least he held it? 
3:15pm CJ is naked again. We watch Bubble Guppies with a towel on the couch 
3:30pm HB is up. We keep watching Bubble Guppies with towels
4:00pm daddy gets home. So far no accidents 
5pm...well we made it. We had to out pull-ups on 
for dinner but they didn't have any accident...so that's a plus 
6pm daddy does baths while I workout...Leif comes out to the garage and tells me HB went potty in the potty! Success!!!! He got a Reese's peice of cereal (I don't have candy in the house, and to them it's just as good) yay! I feel like one success with one reward is the bump I've been trying to get over all day! 

Day three 
I've decided to just handle this in small sections. A lot of advice said to put on undies and never look back. 
It's 8:30am we took off diapers and now they are naked. I put on their undies and then both "had to go" so they are naked again *sigh*
Both are much more interested in the toilet today though. They both want Reese's so they are trying to use the toilet...let's hope this is a start! 
No pee in the toilet but no accidents either. We took naps and then had to run to target. We get back on track after their afternoon nap 
It's 6:12: we put them in undies after dinner 
One accident .... Three feet from the toilet. Oy 
Day 4? 
Does it really count? I Honestly didn't work on it at all because we were gone. But both just peed in the toilet after bath, and both were super proud...okay tomorrow...it's on! 

So as you can see the process was a hot mess. There were many times I threw up my arms in frustration. Many times I yelled, tried time outs...I mean it was just bad. Luckily one of the boys got it before the other and once that happened it felt like a whole new ball game...I did have to take a break from it for my other son. I was just getting so frustrated and it was detrimental to our days, not worth getting as upset as I was. Three months in a diaper and two days later of retraining and he got it. 

There are still times when I am out that I feel diapers would just be easier so I don't have to run to the front of the store from the very BACK of the store just for a small tinkle. Now that they both truly get it though, my life is sooooo much easier! Only one is still in diapers at night and I am okay with that. 

Moral of the story? Know your kids, watch their signs, use what works for them and not for you. My son who picked it up faster is that kid who likes to follow rules, he is like his momma in that way. My other son is that " I do it myself" kid and I love him for that! I knew that he would do it because it was his terms not mine. I had to find ways that made it seem like it was his idea to go potty. Remember, parents, although our kids don't believe this simple fact, we are smarter than them. 

If it takes you three days or a process over ten months....you can do it!

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