Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Surviving the NICU Rollercoaster

I was recently asked by a fellow twin expectant mommy how I emotionally dealt with and survived having my sons in the NICU...the question caught me off guard but I was happy that I was able to answer it in a positive way. I looked back on my experience and although one of the scariest times in my life, I was able to grow from it and dig deep inside myself for strength and lean on my faith to get me through.

When you hear the term the NICU rollercoaster, it doesn't make sense unless you've experienced it. There are ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns. Scary moments and even happy moments. Nothing can prepare you for seeing your babies fight for their lives. However, your mindset will be what will pull you through the emotional challenges you will encounter.

February 23, 2013 started off as any other day. I got my achy pregnant body out of bed and wondered how much longer I would be pregnant and uncomfortable. I was 34 weeks and 3 days preggers with our twin boys. Had I known my boys would be making their debut later that day I would have done anything to keep them in longer. 

I know what it feels like to leave the hospital where you delivered your babies without them in your arms. I know what it feels like that although I just had babies, I wasn't a mom. What it's like to feel gyped I didn't get my bonding time with my babies when they were born because the second they were born the nurses were working frantically to keep my babies breathing. From the moment my babies were born until I got to have them home with me, my heart was broken. There was such an emptiness. Constant worry. My husband and I felt so incomplete when our boys were so far from us. We were constantly on the phone with the NICU. If it wasn't for those sweet nurses loving our babies as if they were their own, I don't know how I would have been able to leave the NICU. We became medical terminology pros over night. I learned what intubation, Brady, DSAT, and nasal cannula was, along with other terms. I made myself familiar with these terms so I could understand when the nurses told me what was happening with my boys.

I know people were worried that I was going to go off the deep end. Of course I was sad and depressed, my boys were fighting for their lives and I couldn't do anything but watch and pray and love them. I went into a reclusive state, not from depression, but I wanted everything to stop. I wanted the world to stop turning I wanted life to stop going on because I couldn't move forward until my boys were with me. I didn't speak to my very best friends for over a month...it could have actually been longer...the whole time the boys were in the NICU was a blur.  All I cared about was my boys and how they were doing.  I thank you friends for giving me my space. I know it was probably hard to see someone you love go through that, but thank you for giving me that time. I needed it to process everything.

With all of that said, I learned so much about myself during that time. I learned that I am a strong person, that I can speak up, that NICU nurses and doctors are AMAZING people (I already knew this but I gained a new perspective), I learned that even when I wanted to break down I had to keep going for my boys. My sons taught me so much about strength in those weeks they spent in the NICU. I read a quote recently that said "if you need to see inspiration for strength look at a preemie fighting for their life when they don't even know what it is they are fighting for". I can't find the exactly quote but this spoke volumes to me. My sons blew me away with their strength and I found my strength in theirs. What amazing little people preemies are. Their strength and endurance helped me, their mommy, stay positive.

The days apart from your babies in the NICU are long and hard. I remember feeling that it was so un-natural that I couldn't be with my new sons 24/7, that I couldn't hear their every cry. I felt and still feel so gyped that I didn't get those first months of their lives with them. However, through pain we find strength. If I only focused on all those negatives I would have been in a very bad place. It is only now looking back that I realize all those feelings I had. During the time the boys were in the NICU I focused on the positives. The boys were getting better every day, even if it was something seemingly small. Holding down another mL of food, being weaned off oxygen, these were HUGE milestones for my preemies who could barely breath on their own when they came into this world. There were set backs and scary moments, but the positives out weighed the negatives in my mind. My boys were growing stronger every single day, they are amazing people caring for them watching their every breathe, they were being put on a schedule (such a life saver especially with twins), they were getting used to noises, and they were brave little fighters! One of the NICU nurses told me that working with these little miracle babies is the closest that she can be to working with God. What a statement and so true. I knew my sweet, innocent boys were the closest that I would feel to being with God until the day I am in Heaven. That might not make a whole lot of sense to everyone but I felt His presence the whole time we were in the NICU even on the days I felt furthest from HIM. I know there were Angels with my babies.

The way I survived the NICU Rollercoaster was looking at my sons for strength, PRAYER, my faith, my husband, my family and friends, and really focusing on the accomplishments my boys made everyday no matter how small. I also knew I was helping my sons by pumping and getting them my milk even though I couldn't nurse them. This was huge for me, knowing that I was helping them. It was the only way that I could, so that's what I did.

The last day we were in the NICU and getting ready to take H home, a new baby was being rushed into the NICU...when she passed by us I got a huge lump in my throat knowing the journey the family was about to face. It's not an easy one, but if you can see the beauty that lies ahead, just keep going.

For some reason when the boys were in the NICU a song by Gunger called Beautiful Things kept playing over and over in my head. I kept hearing "You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of dust. You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of us". I clung onto those words praying for my two beautiful sons.

Here we are 4 months later, slightly sleep deprived, and busier than ever, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Self Respect: Set Goals

Set goals
Love yourself
Focus on fitness

Rest and relax
Eat right
Portray positive
Enjoy life
Care for others
Tell yourself you can do this

This is what was in the framed picture I posted last blog. I keep this in my kitchen so I can see it everyday and even if I don't practice each of these everyday at least I have a reminder. I was looking at this frame yesterday as I was feeling discouraged and the very first thing on this list is to set goals. I haven't really set any goals for myself in this eating better, clean whatever you want to call it journey. Besides saying I won't have sweets, which lasted all of three days (yeah I have no self control), I haven't set any clear goals for myself. So last night I started a list on my iPhone, just three items to begin with. I didn't want to overwhelm myself like I do with my "to do" list.

My three goals are to try to get more sleep, take one thing on my "to do" list a day and complete it, and make conscience decisions to eat healthy snacks. 

The boys are finally sleeping between 5 and 7 hours at night. It is hit and miss, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I stay up after they go to sleep because this is my only "me" time. I know I am the type of person who needs 8 hours a night, so I really need to start going to bed when they do, that way I will have more energy during the day, and maybe even enough to get out of bed earlier than the boys and get a work out in. My "to do" list is ever growing. I am a list maker, so to keep my sanity I am constantly writing lists...it's bad, and actually adds to my insanity! Ha! I know if I just get one thing done from that list a day I will feel good about myself. My last goal to make conscience decisions to eat healthy snacks. Sounds easy enough right? Well it's hard to train yourself to crave healthy foods, but I know I need to start somewhere, so snacks it is.

So for now I will focus on these three goals and add to them as I can.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just get moving!

My friend Sam and her hubby came over on Saturday to meet the boys! It was so nice to see them and get to show off our little men. Sam is so sweet and thoughtful and got me a gift bag of workout motivation! The above frame, new socks, shirt, headbands, and an adorable water cup...it's is so fun to get that kind of stuff. New workout attire is always motivating because you want I USE it! Thank you Sam! You are always so thoughtful and I love you! 

Yesterday I had such a nice day! The boys are giving me a little more sleep at night so I feel like I'm gaining a little bit of my sanity back. I went to my friend's place and she waxed my eyebrows (so I no longer look like Chewbacca, yeah I'm not sure how to spell that one, from Star Wars) and we went on a walk around the lake. It was beautiful and so nice to get out of the house. Those little outings make me feel human again. 
She is so sweet and suggested that we take a picture for my blog! It is so nice to have such support from friends! I know I might not be hitting the gym everyday (or any day yet for that matter) but just getting out and moving around is better than nothing. I think sometimes I get so discouraged that I can't make it to the gym yet, that I forget that even a walk around the neighborhood is good! I can't wait to do it again! 

Then on my way home I grabbed In N Out...oops. It was good though so I'm okay with it.

My friend Casey came over and met the boys. It's so fun to see my childhood friends with my babies. 

I've been having an out of control sweet tooth. So I TRY to make healthier options. This is what happens when you use applesauce instead of Greek Yogurt and Baking Soda instead of Baking Powder (because I wasn't paying attention)...
See the trick is to make something so nasty looking you won't eat it! Haha! Have I mentioned I'm a HORRIBLE cook? 

I found this Roasted Cinnomen Chickpea recipe and thought maybe that would satisfy my needs. Although delicious, they weren't sweet enough so I saved them as a treat for today. 
I must be lacking something in my diet causing this out of control sweet tooth. Today I decided I'm going to make conscious decisions about not eating sweets. I know that if you feed the "sweet tooth" or any type of unhealthy want, you'll CRAVE that kind of food, and that is what has happened to me. So until I get this back under control, no more brownies, cake, cookies etc., even in the "healthy" versions. 

Until next time...
I'll be snuggling with the two! When did they get so big?! *tear*