Monday, May 23, 2016

My Attempt at Being Bloggy

My good friend has been blogging for quite a few years now. She blogs about fashion and she does not get too personal, which I love. I feel like that is not so easy to do in the blog world. People like personal. But people also love fashion, and my girlfriend knows fashion. I am not so gifted in that area. When she approached me to write a guest post for her blog my first thought was, heck yeah! Then I immediately thought, what if her readers don't like my stuff? I'm NOT fashion forward at all. We are talking jeans and a black top type of girl right here. If I'm feeling really crazy I will throw in a fancy pair of shoes and maayybbee a different necklace than my cross. I know, I know, risk taker right here, ladies.

In attempts to be bloggy, I thought I would do my best to be creative with pictures like she is and other fashion blogs I've seen. Lo and behold, clever pictures are not my forté either. However, I got some cute ones with the boys. I am really excited to write a guest post on her blog. She left it completely open to me as far as what I write on. I will keep you guys updated on when my post will be featured on beautygirl24. For now, here are a couple attempts at taking blog pictures.

A cute little side story: We were going to a Western themed birthday party for our friend's son. The boys were in desperate need for some new boots. I called the store to see if they had two pair of the same boots and the same size to avoid any qualms. Of course they did not. So I let the boys choose the colors they wanted which worked out because there was only one black pair and one brown pair. I always dress them in the same outfits and when I don't, it's melt down city, I was shocked they wanted something not matching, but at the same time I loved it! The boys were so excited about their little buddy's hoedown and that they were getting "brand new boots" they barely napped that day, which we paid for later. All in all it was an awesome day. They had fun with their buddy and all they want to wear is their brand new boots. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Little Update

Hi my amazing followers, all three of you! ;) I know I have been MIA for a bit. I love having my hubby home, however our schedule has gotten a little off track. Every extra moment I have (read: nap times and bed time) I'm catching up on Breaking Bad with my husband. I know we are a few years late, but hey we finally got hooked! So I fell way behind on my blogging. I'm not complaining though, I am loving this extra time with him.

Before his accident he was working 60+ hours including Saturdays. It was hard. Our family was missing our main man. I was missing my hubby and felt like a single parent for a good portion of the week. It goes without saying those hours were wearing on us. He was exhausted all of the time and the boys missed their daddy. We were good but in reflection I realize how moody I was toward him and the boys. We were pushing through, and kept saying "this isn't forever".

Sometimes, life events like this can drive a couple apart. There have been little events over the past few weeks that could have resulted in fights. We have been together for 10 years, but never spent this much uninterrupted time together. The good news? We still like each other! Woohoo! Husband and wife for the win! Instead of letting little frustrations of this situation drive us apart, we've used it to bring us closer and even though this hasn't been easy I am thankful. Thankful for this time with him. Thankful my boys have gotten so much time with their daddy. I am so thankful for the fun memories we have made as a family over the last 6 weeks.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Keeping the Faith

Being a Christian doesn't mean that because you have faith life events are easy to deal with. It's easy to have faith when things are wonderful and there are no trials in your life. However, when you throw in some trials, keeping the faith sometimes becomes a challenge. 

I've been a Christ follower all of my life. Of course, as an adult you understand what that mean on a deeper level, but I have alway believed that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. It wasn't until I became an adult though, that I really understood what it meant to lean on Him when I couldn't see through the storm. Trials look different for each person, and I cannot say I've had horrible life experiences, because I truly haven't, but that doesn't mean trials in my life haven't been hard or painful. 

When my parents divorced after 25 years of marriage it rocked my world. As the child, it came out of the blue. It was hard. It hurt. My foundation was shattered. I felt betrayed. However, through that hard time my faith grew and is still growing years later. 

When my twins were born early, I struggled in my faith. Not that I blamed God for what we had been through but I felt so far from Him. I asked for prayers, I felt peace but I couldn't pray myself. I felt unheard. The two years following their birth I struggled. Church felt impossible, we tried to go and it was so hard. They were exclusively breast fed. Have you tried nursing twins in public? Yeah not easy.  I was (as my cousin once said) perpetually exhausted. We rarely left the comfort of our home or my mom's house. The disconnect grew. 

I longed for my soul to be fed but I wasn't getting it.

Finally at the end of 2015 we started going back to church and found our church home. We joined a community group/ bible study together and it's been awesome for our faith. Just a few weeks ago we went over James 1:2-4 
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

This verse made me reflect back on my times when I was struggling and how I let my faith alter. I ALWAYS believed, that was never my issue but my relationship with the Lord was stagnant. I wasn't being fed because I wasn't seeking Him. However, He was always working in me even when I felt far from Him. 

Our family is facing some things that aren't easy, some unknowns for the future and changes. It's not easy. It would be easier to turn inward, put our noses down and grind on, but I don't want to. I know that when I face trials and I turn from the Lord my life is that much harder, but when I lean on Him and KNOW He has a better plan at the end of this hard time, it's makes these trials easier to walk through. 

That's not to say I'm not stressed, that I'm not grumpy and that I'm full of joy all the time because I'm definitely not. Ask my husband, ha! However I know everything will be okay. There is a light in Him and everything will be okay.