Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's for the Kids

So Monday we took a trip to the beach. A lesson I learned early on as a mom was things that look like fun with kids, are a crazy amount of work! Fun? Yes! Relaxing? NO!

I'm a sit in a chair or lay on a towel kind of gal, I like the ocean and getting my feet wet, but I don't feel a crazy urge to be one with the waves. Well, Roo feels about 100% different about the ocean and thinks he should launch himself into freezing cold waters at any given opportunity. Needless to say my chair was lonely for the majority of the day, but I had a blast. Seeing my boys' smiles as they played in the waves with Grammy, searched for sand crabs with me and built sand castles with their auntie made my day.

This picture of my mom and CJ is the best :) 

Scoping out his mad dash into the ocean

Mommy, will you find sand crabs wiff me? 

And these pictures at the very end tell a very big story about what moms will do to ensure their littles have everything they need when away from the house. What you can't tell from these pictures is how steep this "ramp" was to pull our wagons back up. My cousin had her 3 month old strapped to her, pulling her wagon loaded down with all of her essentials while I had my wagon loaded with just as much stuff and a chair strapped to my back...we were laughing so hard. I felt like we belonged on one of those meme cards about motherhood. So I went ahead and made one...

Soooo accurate at the end of a long, exhausting day. Why do we do this? It's for the kiddos. Everything I do, is for them, for their memories, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 


  1. Awwww so cute! I love the picture with your mom too :) very sweet Nic! I can only imagine all the loot you have to carry! I get tired just lugging a beach tote and chair, let alone all that stuff mommys have to bring. Great job! All for the kiddos!
