Sunday, January 12, 2014

Time to Step It Up

So I stepped on the scale a few weeks ago and much to my surprise I had gained about 10 lbs. Still lower than my pre-preg weight, but definitely not want I wanted to see...

I know that I have been over indulging, because I can. However, my days of nursing my twins are coming to an end in the coming months and all of those calories I have been so effortlessly burning are going to start sticking. Booo

Yesterday my sister was looking at Instagram and mentioned to me something that Nutrishop had posted about a Body Transformation Challenge. It struck my interest because it helps to be held accountable. Everyone has their own motivators; mine is when I have someone to answer to besides myself. However, I am not doing this for ANYONE ELSE this is for ME, but it helps to have that outside support.

Today was the last day that I could sign up, so on our way we went. I weighed in and spoke to one of the employees about a meal plan. It is so simple. Eat every two to three hours. Make healthy choices. The right combination of proteins and carbs...

The thing is, I know how to eat's just hard. It's hard to prep, it's hard to continue to eat clean when you crave the bad stuff. However, hard is not impossible, and I am finally at the point where I am ready.

I am ready to see this change. I want to see what my body can do.

I played softball my entire life, until adulthood, so I always had an athletic body. Age and babies, of course, have changed my body, but I can still be healthy. I am ready to do this.

Will I have cheats? Duh. Will I have bad days?  I am sure of it. Will I succeed? Absolutely.

So here we go.

B and I heading to Nutrishop :) 

One of my before pictures.

I am not comfortable just yet posting my slightly more revealing before pictures on my blog. Maybe after my transformation, but you get the picture. I would like to lose about 20 lbs and tone up. 

Stay tuned!

Have a blessed Sunday everyone :) 



  1. Good job Ister! I am so proud of you and I can't wait to see what your journey has in store for you! Kick a**!!! xoxox

  2. Go you!!!! I must say that is a pretty good looking before picture ;) But, I totally understand not being where you want to be! Looking forward to watching and reading about your transformation..... and rooting you on through both the ups and downs xoxo
